It's funny how once you allow Jesus to change you, your whole world will be turned upside down. I can remember sitting in church a couple of months ago. We were singing songs about desiring to give our whole life to God and I just prayed that God would give me that desire. I knew I should have that, but at that point, I just didn't have it. I knew I should want to live this life for Jesus and give my all to Him, but I was lacking in the desire. I wanted to want Him. I wanted Him to change me. I guess He has been.
Ryan and I have always talked about getting land someday. We've dreamed about doing our own gardening and living off the land. A few weeks ago we began talking about that again, but with a greater desire. A desire to actually live as Christ did was beginning to take root in us. We began discussing and praying about how we could take that desire for land and gardening and turn it into something greater...something that would make an impact on this world for Jesus. Something that would be meaningful and change lives. Something that would be a light in this very dark world.
As we continue to pray about it, we are realizing that what we are doing now is not where we want to be. I don't know if one would call it a "calling" or not, either way though, we really feel like Jesus is drawing us toward a life radically different than what we have made for ourselves. A life that is completely reliant on Him and His provisions, not our own.
We have a desire to build a community that houses children who have been caught up in the foster care system and also who have been caught up in the sex trade. We want to be a ministry to those children who have no hope of any kind for a future. We want to offer them a chance at life. We want to give them hope and a chance to live a life filled with meaning.
One way we would like to do this is by getting some land. We would like to build a small house on it where we could house these children. We want to live alongside these kids and teach them the love that Jesus has for them. We would like this to be a community thing, where people from the community come and volunteer their time and resources, whether it be helping with the gardening, animals, counseling, or medical care. Eventually we'd like this place to be self-sustaining, where we're able to sell the produce, animals and crafts that are made to keep the place running. Obviously this will take lots of prayer and help from the community.
Our vision is to develop this land and make it a place where hurting people can come for "spiritual, mental, and physical healing". We would like to eventually have a discipleship program and also a separate house where couples can come and stay and get free counseling so they can work on their marriage and relationship with Christ.
Our name for this place is "Yesha," which means: deliverance, salvation, rescue, safety, prosperity and victory in Hebrew. It comes from Pslams 18:1-2 which says:
"I love you, Lord; you are my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety."
So, as you can see, we have had our hearts and minds full of hopes and dreams. We have absolutely no idea when, where or how all this will happen. We are asking for prayers and clarity.
We ask that you would help us by praying for God's will do be done and that lives would be eternally changed.