Tuesday, June 26, 2012

If When I Die

If when I die all people can say about me is, "she loved Jesus", then I have accomplished my mission here on earth.

If when I die and no one remembers my name, but remembers Jesus, then I have lived well.

If when I die I have not a penny to my name, but have pointed everyone I met to Jesus, then I have accomplished my purpose.

My worth is not found in money or things, it's not found in people or places I've been. I find my worth through the blood of Jesus.

My hope is not in things of today, tomorrow or yesterday, nor does my hope rest in the comforts this world has to offer, it's Jesus.

If when I die and the only thing left behind is the handprint of God, then and only then I have truly lived.

Monday, June 25, 2012

The Mom Thing

When I was in 8th grade I made the mistake of going out for track and field. I thought I might be good since both of my sisters were decent. I was wrong. I can remember the exact moment I realized how terrible I really was, and I even have a picture of that exact moment taken by one of my friend's dads, which I think I glanced at once and put it away to never be seen again!

I was all lined up for my first ever 100 meter race. I heard the gun go off and before I even took my first step  off the blocks I felt this WHOOSH WHOOSH WHOOSH. I look up and I see the backs of every single one of my competition already half way to the finish line. Talk about a horrible and embarrassing moment. I did finish the race, but it was during that race that I realized that I was NOT built for track and field.

During that time of my life, I had a friend who told me that with every step she took in her races she would recite, "Jesus Christ will give me strength, Jesus Christ will give me strength" and that's how she would race. I thought that was a pretty great idea, so that's how I finished my one miserable season in track and field.

As a mom, there have been many times where I have felt like I am not cut out to do this whole mom thing. I don't have it all together. I tend to loose my temper more often than I'd like, my house is not the cleanest on the block, nor do my kids always have their hair combed or their teeth brushed. Sometimes I'll get to the store and realize I forgot someone's shoes or my wallet. I have been one of those moms who have grocery shopped with a screaming child in the cart. It's the times I begin to count all the ways that I'm "not good enough" that those words flood into my very soul and lift me up. I may not feel "good enough" sometimes, but God has entrusted me with 4 precious children whom I love more than anything in the world. He knew what He was doing when He gave them to me, and in that I can find peace and trust that God knows what He is doing. 

"Jesus Christ will give me strength. Jesus Christ will give me strength. Jesus Christ will give me strength."

Friday, June 15, 2012

To All You Single Parents

I want to give a shout out to all you single parents out there. You who get your kids dressed, fed, transported, taught, disciplined, and loved all by yourself. You who change the diapers, clean up the throw up, change the clothes, and pick up the toys all by yourself. You who keep up the house, break up the fights, keep the bills organized, and tuck the kids into bed all by yourself. You who wipe away those tears, cuddle, tickle, and bathe your kids all by yourself. I have a HUGE appreciation and respect for you. You are amazing. Your kids are so blessed to have such a hard working and loving parent in their lives. May God give you the strength to persevere. You are AMAZING!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Please Don't Judge

Please don't judge me for allowing my 2-year old to throw a temper tantrum right in the middle of the store. Please don't glare at me while I carry her out kicking and screaming to the car. What you see is not the whole story. You see, yes she is 2, but she has also had a whole lot of things going on around her that you don't know about.

You see the kicking and screaming, but what you don't know is that we just moved across the country a week ago. She has also been getting over a bad cold and hasn't been sleeping very well the last few nights, and her dad has been out of town this week. What you see is not the whole story. You see a 2-year old kicking and screaming, yelling and bawling, ruining your trip to the grocery store. You see a horrible mom allowing her child to act out THAT way.

What I know is that my beautiful daughter is tired and hurting and doesn't have the ability to express how she's feeling in an adult way. What I also know is that I love my daughter very very much. So, please have some grace today and stop glaring and judging, pointing and shaking your head. Say a little prayer for me, for I really am trying to do my best.