Thursday, September 29, 2011


Today just so happens to be one of the very few days that I have managed to pull off having both babies napping at the same time. I feel like I was so much better at that with my older two kids. Maybe I've just softened as a mom the more kids I've had....or maybe I'm just more used to having the noise, so it doesn't bother me as much if I don't get a break. Emphasis on the "as much".

Unfortunately, the amazing quietness has not lasted long though. I hear my youngest making noises up in his crib. But honestly, the amazing part about cribs is that they actually keep your babies in their bed! I was always so quick to try to get my toddlers into their "big kid" beds...I look back and wonder...why? What was the rush? Isn't it wonderful to know that once you hear them you have a couple of minutes to finish up what you were doing then go get them? Yes, I know some kids are able to crawl out of their cribs sooner than most, or they have a little brother or sister on the way, so you want to get the new baby room ready. I guess I'm just speaking in general about the rush we go through when we have our kids. It's always about what's the next step.

I remember when my first was born I was all about looking ahead. I couldn't wait until he fit into the bigger clothes, just so I could see what they looked like on him. I couldn't wait until he could hold his own bottle (I don't think that desire went away with any of my new-borns) or till he could sit up, crawl, stand up, walk, talk. Everything was "what's he going to do next" much so, that I really don't feel like I was able to enjoy much of the "what's going on now".

I know as parent's we all have regrets...that is probably always going to be one of my greatest regrets. I wish I had been able to slow down and enjoy the "now" more when we just had our one little baby. Life just picks up even more speed the more kids you have. I must admit though, even though I learned the hard way, I have tried to make it a point to enjoy the baby-years of my other three as much as I can. It can be very hard, but it's important. My oldest is 7 years old already....I'm really not sure where all that time has gone. He will be an adult sooner than I am ready for him to be, so I will try to enjoy these few and fleeting years as best as I can.

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