Tuesday, June 26, 2012

If When I Die

If when I die all people can say about me is, "she loved Jesus", then I have accomplished my mission here on earth.

If when I die and no one remembers my name, but remembers Jesus, then I have lived well.

If when I die I have not a penny to my name, but have pointed everyone I met to Jesus, then I have accomplished my purpose.

My worth is not found in money or things, it's not found in people or places I've been. I find my worth through the blood of Jesus.

My hope is not in things of today, tomorrow or yesterday, nor does my hope rest in the comforts this world has to offer, it's Jesus.

If when I die and the only thing left behind is the handprint of God, then and only then I have truly lived.


Anonymous said...

Jennie, you have no idea how much of an encouragement this is today. You have hit it on the head as to what is truly important. We know it. We say we know it. But it is so easy to forget it and get wrapped up in the urgent instead of emptying ourselves into the important. Thank you, thank you. And keep it up!!

Jennie Denney said...

Thank you Colleen. I love being able to share what's on my heart and have it impact the lives of others. God is good. Thank you for your encouragement!