Thursday, August 2, 2012

Kumbaya Syndrome

I am happiest when everyone around me is happy and getting along. If people are having relational issues, I like to try to fix them so that they are happy again. I have this inner urgency to make sure everyone around me is doing ok. I want to fix people's problems and make sure everyone is genuinely happy. It's like I have some kind of Kumbaya Syndrome where if everyone is happy around the campfire singing I am in my element.

I'm coming to the point where I'm realizing that I cannot fix everything. God is showing me that I have absolutely no control over other people's state of mind. No matter how hard I try to force happiness and joy around me, I cannot fix other people's problems. I can be there for people, pray for them and love them, but I cannot fix them. This drives me crazy.

No, I don't want to be God, but I sure like to help Him do His job. Maybe this is a pride issue, maybe it's a control issue or maybe it's a little bit of both. I'm not real sure yet. Either way though, I can choose to try to take over the work He's doing or I can choose to step back and pray and let Him do the fixing His way and in His timing.

I sure have a lot to learn. Thankfully, God is not done with me until by body dies. May I live this life focused on Jesus and the things He has to offer and teach me. My prayer is that I would be a woman of prayer, trusting that God will bring eternal peace and reconciliation to those who love Him in His own timing. 

1 comment:

Colleen Shine Phillips said...

Sigh....this is a struggle for more than just you. I remember during Josh's heaviest rebellion. I just wanted to fix things. I said I didn't want to give God counsel, but I totally thought I knew what was best. But until I took my hands off and TRULY let God do what He had to do, I felt miserable. In truth, I think I was afraid of what He would have to do to get Josh's attention. are not alone. But you are on the right track. Keep at it!!