Thursday, July 12, 2012

Happy Thoughts

My 7-year-old was having a major attitude problem yesterday. Seriously, I thought attitudes didn't start until the teenage years, boy was I WRONG! We're sitting in the car and he's moping in the back with a big huge frown on his face and his arms crossed around his chest. So, what does mom do in this situation? Normally I would just ignore him and wait for him to come around. Yesterday I'd had it. I look back at him and say, "Peyton, I want you to tell me 5 things you're thankful for." The puzzled look on his face was priceless, I'm pretty sure I caught him completely off-guard. After a moment, he mumbles, "no." So, then I say, "Well, then you can't leave the car until I've heard 5 things you're thankful for." 

Eventually I got to hear the 5 things he was thankful for. They were simple, but it worked. After, I said I wanted to see his big wonderful smile then I gave him one of my goofy smiles. It was SO funny watching him try not to laugh. Then he was back to his normal fun-loving wonderful self.

You see, I've found it's hard to feel sorry for myself when I start making lists of things I'm thankful for. It's hard to be mad at someone when I'm not focused on the ways I feel someone has wronged me. Focusing my thoughts on things I'm thankful for rather than the negative things going on around me, is a practice I want to continue as I grow in my relationship with Christ.

"And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." Philippians 4:8


Kari said...

I love this! We are doing a series at church on being thankful and your story ties in so well to what we've been talking about.

Jennie Denney said...

That's great Kari! Thank you for sharing.